Add Quantity Increment And Decrement Button on MiniCart
1. Create custom module on the path:
You can follow the guide to create custom module in magento 2.
2. Create “default.html” file on the path:
And paste the below code into it:
* Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
<li class="item product product-item overload" data-role="product-item">
<div class="product">
<!-- ko if: product_has_url -->
<a data-bind="attr: {href: product_url, title: product_name}" tabindex="-1" class="product-item-photo">
<!-- ko foreach: $parent.getRegion('itemImage') -->
<!-- ko template: {name: getTemplate(), data: item.product_image} --><!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko ifnot: product_has_url -->
<span class="product-item-photo">
<!-- ko foreach: $parent.getRegion('itemImage') -->
<!-- ko template: {name: getTemplate(), data: item.product_image} --><!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<div class="product-item-details">
<strong class="product-item-name">
<!-- ko if: product_has_url -->
<a data-bind="attr: {href: product_url}, html: product_name"></a>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko ifnot: product_has_url -->
<!-- ko text: product_name --><!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko if: options.length -->
<div class="product options" data-mage-init='{"collapsible":{"openedState": "active", "saveState": false}}'>
<span data-role="title" class="toggle"><!-- ko i18n: 'See Details' --><!-- /ko --></span>
<div data-role="content" class="content">
<strong class="subtitle"><!-- ko i18n: 'Options Details' --><!-- /ko --></strong>
<dl class="product options list">
<!-- ko foreach: { data: options, as: 'option' } -->
<dt class="label"><!-- ko text: option.label --><!-- /ko --></dt>
<dd class="values">
<!-- ko if: Array.isArray(option.value) -->
<span data-bind="html: option.value.join('<br>')"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko ifnot: Array.isArray(option.value) -->
<span data-bind="html: option.value"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<div class="product-item-pricing">
<!-- ko if: canApplyMsrp -->
<div class="details-map">
<span class="label" data-bind="i18n: 'Price'"></span>
<span class="value" data-bind="i18n: 'See price before order confirmation.'"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- ko ifnot: canApplyMsrp -->
<!-- ko foreach: $parent.getRegion('priceSidebar') -->
<!-- ko template: {name: getTemplate(), data: item.product_price, as: 'price'} --><!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<div class="details-qty qty">
<label class="label" data-bind="i18n: 'Qty', attr: {
for: 'cart-item-'+item_id+'-qty'}"></label>
<button name="decrement" onclick="qtyChange(event)" value="desc">-</button>
<input data-bind="attr: {
id: 'cart-item-'+item_id+'-qty',
'data-cart-item': item_id,
'data-item-qty': qty,
'data-cart-item-id': product_sku
}, value: qty"
class="item-qty cart-item-qty">
<button name="increment" onclick="qtyChange(event)" value="inc">+</button>
<button data-bind="attr: {
id: 'update-cart-item-'+item_id,
'data-cart-item': item_id,
title: $t('Update')
style="display: none">
<span data-bind="i18n: 'Update'"></span>
<div class="product actions">
<!-- ko if: is_visible_in_site_visibility -->
<div class="primary">
<a data-bind="attr: {href: configure_url, title: $t('Edit item')}" class="action edit">
<span data-bind="i18n: 'Edit'"></span>
<!-- /ko -->
<div class="secondary">
<a href="#" data-bind="attr: {'data-cart-item': item_id, title: $t('Remove item')}"
class="action delete">
<span data-bind="i18n: 'Remove'"></span>
3. Create a requirejs-config.js file on the path.
And paste this code into it:
var config = {
map: {
'*': {
'Magento_Checkout/template/minicart/item/default.html': 'Esparksinc_QtyCounterMiniCart/template/minicart/item/default.html',
qtychange: 'Esparksinc_QtyCounterMiniCart/js/qtychange'
4. Create a default.xml file on the path.
And paste this code into it:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
* Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<referenceContainer name="before.body.end">
<block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="exampleScript" template="Esparksinc_QtyCounterMiniCart::load.phtml" after="-" />
5. Create a load.phtml file on the path.
And paste this code into it:
<div>Before Body load</div>
require(['jquery', 'jquery/ui', 'qtychange'], function($){
//js code here
6. Create a js file for example qtychange.js on the path.
And paste the following code into it:
function qtyChange(event){
if(jQuery( == 'inc') { /* qty increase */
var oldVal = jQuery(;
if ( parseFloat(oldVal) >= 0 ) {
var newVal = parseFloat(oldVal) + 1;
}else{ /* qty decrease */
var oldVal = jQuery(;
if (parseFloat(oldVal) >= 2) {
var newVal = parseFloat(oldVal) - 1;
Run these commands:`
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento cache:flush
See the result on mini cart popup: