How to add admin menu in WordPress
Below is the step-by-step guide to help you create an admin menu:
1. Register admin menu:
Add the following code to your plugin file or functions.php to register a new menu page:
add_action('admin_menu', 'esparks_admin_menu'); function esparks_admin_menu() { add_menu_page( 'Esparks Page', 'Esparks', 'manage_options', 'e-sparks', 'esparks_menu_callback_function' ); }
Here, Esparks Page is the title of admin page to be created,
Esparks is the Title of admin menu,
manage_options is the capability required to access the menu page,
e-sparks is the slug of menu page and,
esparks_menu_callback_function is the function which would be called on clicking the menu.
For example:
function esparks_menu_callback_function() { echo 'Admin Menu'; }
The admin menu will be added.